Teaching students who are in the classroom and students who are virtual during the same session creates challenges related to the students ability to see content and hear faculty and/or other students. 


  • For Hyflex courses, complete in-classroom training so that you how to setup course slides, utilize annotation technology and setup Zoom
    • Training will also provide guidance on how to field questions asked by students both in the classroom and virtually
  • For virtual-only courses, follow the CDE recommendations related to camera, lighting and microphone
    • For example, lighting should be placed behind your PC (the lighting in front of you should be brighter than any lighting behind you)
  • Here is a CDE video that showcases best practices for camera and lighting setup

Pros & Cons


  • All students, regardless of physical location, will be able to see the instructor, see content being shared, hear students participating and have the ability to share ideas successfully